Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Flows

Hi! I am back! Shall we continue on my entries? Yes! So, when I was formed due to the movement of the crust.The crust move up and break to form a gap between it. The lakes which formed earlier around me joined together and formed a river. Before the formation, the crust which the river located is lower than 1000m. After the formation, is about 247 million years ago, the crust moves up to 2000ms and above the sea level. Thus, the I am formed. As i carried a lot of sediments every year, thus, floodplain formed in many parts of the river. I provided a big area which are ideal place for farming. I continous to flow along the channel and I pass by dry pieces of land, but soon to be fertile, as my water will make them. I see tiny, wooden huts created by the commoners or pheasants in the villages I pass. Some of them collect pieces of me, and others splash around me, washing their dirt and filth away in my clear body. 

I pass some trees, and their roots absorbs my water into themselves, causing yet another part of me to be lost.Though it is saddening to lose some part of me, if i look at the positive side, i am actually helping the enviroment because by letting the trees to take my water in, it makes them grow healtily and i am helping the environment in another way or two!!! Oh no!!! It is getting late now and i must got to go and empty myself!!

Remember to check back again in my next entry!!!! Goodbye!!!
(Please click on the link to watch the video. Thank you.
              Done By :Rachael Tan
Edit by: Liu Xu Yu

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