Saturday, August 28, 2010

I am back!!! :D

Well, i am back on my new entry! Being the second largest river in China after Yangtze river, and the sixth-longest river in the world estimated length of 5,464 kilometres, i might say i am very honoured. I also flow through NINE provinces of China and empties myself in the Bohai sea. (i am very busy!!)  Do you know how my name was originated? Well, my name Yellow River decribes the perennial ochre-yellow colour of the muddy water in the lower course of me. The yellow colour comes from the loess suspended in the water. Sometimes, people named me 'muddy flow' because maybe only pigs can fly when i can flow clear! I will always be muddy! My name is facinating huh? So that's me and i will write in in the next entry! Wait for the next entry!     

source taken from: wikipedia:history of yellow river 


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